Odyssey Training - Online, Hybrid/Virtual, Virtual Classes for CAT, CAS, LAC.

    This brief introduction will help you understand how you will get the most out of your online training and tips to help you navigate through the course content.
    •The online courses are organized by topics. Each topic area will include a number of icons, which indicate different types of content.
    •To access course content just click on the icon
    •Video & Resource icons open by taking you directly to internet content – return to course click the return arrow button in the upper left hand corner of your browser.
    •Content/text/audio icons open by downloading the information to your computer which you open.
    •Presentations and Audio: include text and images and audio will download to your computer like any email attachment. Depending on the size of the download and your computer speed, it may take a few moments for the presentation to download.

    Course Time-frame:

    Per BHA Handbook – Course Attendance
    All addiction counselor course work is to be completed by the participant in the Time-frame of the course. If there is a lapse in class time, online or live, the participant will need to retake the course in its entirety

    Odyssey Time-frame and Rules for classes:

    ONLINE – Runs for 14 or 21 days online through our online class site. You log in and out for an hour each day when convenient for you to complete the class and to meet the required hour requirement of the class. You DO NOT need time off work to complete online classes. You will receive the log in email for the class at 8:30 am the first day of the class and the class will open at 9:00 am. The class opens and closes in sections, all sections must be completed before each section closes. All assignments, quizzes, activities, final exam, and course Evaluation must be completed by NOON the last day of the class.

    HYBRID/VIRTUAL – Run online through our online class site for the first part of the dates listed (7 days). You log in for an hour each day when convenient for you to complete the online portion of the class and to meet the required hour requirement. You DO NOT need time off work to complete online portion of the Hybrid/Virtual classes. You will receive the log in email for the class at 8:30 am the first day of the class and the class will open at 9:00 am. All assignments, quizzes, activities Must be completed by NOON the day before the Zoom portion starts. The last day(s) listed are done through ZOOM form 8:30 am to 5:00 pm each day.   All Virtual Portions of the Hybrid/Virtual classes are to be treated as In Person, You MUST be off work to participate in any Virtual portion of a class. The Zoom starts promptly at 8:30 am each day, you will log into the online class site to get the Zoom link. ALL students MUST leave their camera on during the class as your participation will be monitored. Once the zoom portion is complete you log back into the online class site to complete the final exam and course evaluation immediately following the Zoom Section. The class will close at 5:00 pm.

    VIRTUAL – All Virtual classes run from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm each day through ZOOM. All Virtual classes are to be treated as In Person; You MUST be off work to participate in any Virtual class. You will receive a log in email the day before (Friday if the class starts on Monday) for our online class site at 11:00 am, you Must log into the online class site the day you receive the log in email to download the martial or print it out for the class. You will log into the online class site the morning of the class to get the Zoom link. The classes start Promptly at 8:30 am. ALL students MUST leave their camera on during the class as your participation will be monitored. Once class is complete on the final day, you log into the online class site to complete the Final exam and course evaluation immediately following the Zoom section. The Class will close at 5:00 pm.

Available courses

This training will provide a basic foundation for understanding how cultural competence, awareness, and sensitivity can improve quality of care and increase positive outcomes. The professional counselor has an obligation to understand the individual’s context and learn to communicate in a manner that the individual is likely to be able to hear, understand and accept. The professional counselor must have the courage and insight to explore their biases and misconceptions of others with cultural and ethnic differences. Cultural variables to be considered will include age, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, language, educational level, physical ability, economic status and social class as well as racial and ethnic backgrounds, all of which can be influential in the therapeutic process

Trauma Informed Care is a treatment framework that involves understanding, recognizing, and responding to the effects of all types of traumas. The clinical shift is from “what’s wrong with you” to “what happened to you.” This training will introduce the counselor to the concept of trauma-informed care and define ways in which a traditional treatment setting can be modified to increase an individual’s sense of safety within this setting. Participants will learn how to incorporate trauma-informed practices into substance use disorder treatment with diverse populations, such as military veterans, gender specific, people with co-occurring disorders, persons involved in the criminal justice system, etc. Although trauma treatment approaches will be considered, this training will not teach how to do trauma specific treatment.

(Prerequisite is Case Conceptualization and Documentation)
Client motivation and commitment to treatment begins with the assessment and diagnostic phase that typically occurs at intake. This training will consider the differences between screening and assessment and use of assessment instruments. The training will consider the components of the clinical assessment such as a biopsychosocial interview, assessing risk for self-harm, identifying cultural needs and supports, problem domains, determining stage of readiness for change and strengths of the client. Determining diagnosis utilizing the DSM 5 and resulting level of care for the client will be discussed using the ASAM Criteria. Stages of treatment and systems of care will be covered along with facets of treatment planning